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I don't know what I was thinking...

Hello, Confidence Community!

2024 has been an absolute whirlwind for me, and honestly, I’m still catching my breath! Sometimes life gets busy on its own, and sometimes we dive headfirst into the busyness. This year, I chose the latter, and wow, what a journey it’s been.

Here’s a quick recap of my year so far:

  • January: Moved into a new house + WEDDING PLANNING

  • February: Daughter’s major back surgery + work travel + WEDDING PLANNING

  • March: Private wedding (shhh, no one knew!) + more WEDDING PLANNING

  • April: Work travel + bridal shower + speaking event + college visit with daughter + scholarship dinner + yes, more WEDDING PLANNING

  • May: Daughter’s senior prom + 3 kids graduating (high school, junior high, and elementary school) + personal travel + speaking event + scholarship event + WEDDING PLANNING

  • June: WEDDING + vacation

  • July: Two kids' birthdays + a trunk party

And that’s just the high-level stuff! I didn’t even mention that through all this, I was still working a full-time job, pursuing my master’s degree, coaching clients, and being a mom and new wife.

So, yeah, I might have been a bit ambitious! But despite the chaos, I managed to stay on top of things. How? I prepared in advance, knowing this year would be a wild ride.

Here are three things that kept me sane and confident amidst all the madness:

1. Write and Schedule My To-Do List

To-do lists are fantastic for organizing tasks, but they only work if you schedule when to tackle each task. Without a plan, those tasks just pile up, and that can knock your confidence. By scheduling my tasks, I stayed on top of everything and felt more in control.

2. Create Boundaries with Myself

This year, I had to be strict with my boundaries. I couldn’t respond to every call or text, accept every invite, or ignore my body’s need for rest. Prioritizing what truly mattered meant saying no to less important things, which was essential for staying focused.

3. Accept and Embrace Hard but Necessary Changes

I had to grieve the loss of my old lifestyle and embrace a new way of living. It was tough but essential. It’s easy to stick with what no longer works; it’s hard to make the changes needed to live the life you envision. But those hard changes brought me closer to my goals.

Despite the challenges, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. And because of these new strategies, I feel ready for whatever comes next.

Wishing you an incredible August and thank you for reading—it feels great to be back blogging!

Peace, love, and confidence,


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