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Meet Rachel

Certified life coach, entrepreneur, author,

mentor, motivational speaker.

Rachel Holmes, founder/owner of iWEARMi and

Hello Rachel Co., is a young influential trailblazer who has reshaped the landscape of women’s confidence with her inspiring & uplifting brand that has stretched across countless borders of the contiguous United States of America and internationally. This leading lady is a working mother of four, a student, a Certified Life Coach, a prominent small business owner, entrepreneur, mentor, notable public speaker, humanitarian, a pillar in the community, and “Confidence” extraordinaire.


In Rachel’s practice as a Certified Life Coach through the 365 Consulting Group, her mission is to provide guidance and assist clients to live a more balanced, productive, and purposeful life. Specializing in unlocking the strengths that already lies within the individual, Rachel’s practical yet direct, honest, straight-forward and “no-nonsense” approach skillfully steers clients to identify the root causes of their life issues; at which point they then partner on the journey of self-reflection to develop plans of execution and create strategies to accomplish their overall goals. When faced with particular circumstances that require another subject matter expert, Rachel offers collaboration and referrals to other professional resources to ensure her clients receive a comprehensive and integrated support system. Rachel’s primary target demographic is women between the ages of 21-40, with a focused area of expertise in Leadership Development, Work/Life Balance, Stress Management, Personal Growth, Depression, Grieving & Coping, Relationships, Co-Parenting, and of course – Confidence!


“For some reason, people have always been comfortable enough to come to me for assistance with various life issues, so I’ve actually been helping people work through their ‘stuff’ for years; I was just doing it without a title. I finally decided to take the step to become a Certified Life Coach because helping people is a passion of mine that I’m committed to for a lifetime…”


As a volunteer mentor for teenage girls, Rachel equips these young ladies with the necessary tools to become poised leaders, and provides them with a head start on their journey towards a successful future by self-empowerment. After countless conversations with women and young girls alike that lacked confidence in certain areas, iWEARMi was created to empower, engage, and elevate self-worth.


“The time I spent with these phenomenal young women is really when I decided that I needed to do something more than just mentor…”


Although Rachel herself has struggled with self-esteem and had her own bouts with confidence over the years, she was able to realize that there was more to her than how she perceived “herself” and believed that confidence produces courage, courage promotes faith, and faith birth’s purpose! She indoctrinated the fundamental concept that our difficult times in life are not solely for ourselves to develop character and perseverance, but rather to share with others along the way the roadmap to reaping the harvest of an abundant and healthy life filled with confidence.


“My audacious goal is to change the lives of women in all walks of life; to see women transform from who they once were to whom they were called to be, and for them to grow from caterpillars to butterflies. I want to leave a legacy for all women regardless of their race, age, or sexual orientation. I want them to know that they too can rise above adversity, and do whatever they set their mind to. I want women to prove their doubters wrong and make lemonade with the lemons life has given them...”


During her personal time, Rachel is an avid reader, loves to travel, lifelong music enthusiast, and aficionado foodie. This sensational woman is on a remarkable path to extraordinary greatness, and while being catapulted she is deliberately bringing as many with her as she possibly can; one confident woman at a time!

Confidence is the secret sauce

Rachel Holmes

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